Plant extracts are mixtures of a large number of (bioactive) compounds. Both the source plant drug and the manufacturing process, including the method of extraction, the type of extraction solvent and the drug-to-solvent ratio, have a significant influence on the composition of the extract. The latter is the key to the desired biological activity.
The path from plant to plant extract starts with the plant drug, which is generally defined as the fresh or dried whole plant, a part of the plant (e.g. leaf, flower or root) or a secretion (e.g. oleoresin, gum or resin). Plant drugs are also broadly defined as essential oils and juices. Plant extracts are used in their original form, either to isolate the active substances or to make extracts (extracts) from them. In pharmacy, herbal medicines in their original form are best known as medicinal teas. Compound isolation is usually chosen for herbal drugs with strong effects, low levels of active compounds or when synthesis of the active compounds they contain is not possible. But there are even more reasons for making extracts: to remove toxic and inactive ingredients, to increase thebioactive compounds, reducing volume and improving appearance, smell and taste. We should particularly highlight the advantage in terms of action: extracts are mixtures of many compounds that can act synergistically and reduce or prevent the side effects of individual compounds. At the same time, the complexity of their composition is reflected in the problems of evaluating plant extracts.
A high quality herbal drug and manufacturing process are key factors for a quality herbal extract. At the extraction stage, the composition of the extract is significantly influenced by temperature, the extraction solvent and the ratio of drug to solvent. The drug to extract ratio (DER) is an important piece of information; e.g. A DER of 10 : 1 means that 1 kg of extract has been made from 10 kg of olive leaves.
Valeovita has almost all known plant extracts in its range, whether used for food or medicine. You can check our offer by clicking on the catalogue or by sending us an enquiry.